コスメ好きの友人が、今話題のMY LITTLE BOXをプレゼントしてくれました♥
One of my friends gave me MY LITTLE BOX!
My Little BoxはMY LITTLE Parisが2008年に始めたサプライズボックスです。
申込むと毎月My Little Boxが送られてきます。
My Little Box is run by MY LITTLE Paris,
which concept is a gift to oneself every month.
It's making a big success in France with more than 80,000 women
who are waiting for this surprise box every month.
This Parisienne box started to launch this box in Japan in 2013.
The box of March was “Week-end” box.
ドリンクはこの時飲んでいたのものです(※Boxの中身ではありません。) |
オリジナルのMy Little Beautyのハンドクリームとフェイスクリーム
Hand cream and face cream
from their original cosmetics, My Little Beauty
le sérum (essence) from SHISEIDO's most expensive series, clé de peau beauté
Original sunglasses with its case
・オリジナルマガジンMy Little World
Original magazine, My Little World
Pouch in collaboration with Prinecess tam tam
Original post card from Japanese artist, Kanako
My Little Worldは、リヨン特集でした。
The concept of this issue was “a Week-end to Lyon”
My Little Parisのブースも見てきました。 (This is a photo of My Little Box's booth in France expo the other day in Osaka, in which some of presented restaurants in the magazine participated.) |
・My Little Beauty各商品の紹介カード
I had also an introduction card for each My Little Beauty product,
and a discount ticket for Princess tam tam in Japan.
I know My Little Paris already have lots of partners in France.
I'm excited about with which Japanese brands they are going to collaborate with.
Cannot wait for summer...
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